Monday, May 14, 2007

Farmers Markets: Great, But Still Not Perfect

Having just returned from the local farmers’ market, i noticed a few things. As always, there was an abundant array of delicious and beautiful local produce on display. However, I was also struck by two things – an awful lot of cars, and a ridiculous amount of plastic bags. Don’t get me wrong, buying local food and supporting local economies is probably one of the most beneficial things you can do, but it doesn’t end there. Even when we buy local, we need to make efforts to do it in the most responsible way. That means refusing those bags and taking your own, it means biking, busing or carpooling when possible, and it means asking questions about how your food was grown. In some ways this highlights one of the biggest, but perhaps most intangible, benefits of the farmers market – communication. Because we come face-to-face with the people producing our food, and often the people organizing the market, we can form real relationships, and communicate our values to them. It’s not so easy to do that at your local big box retailer. Of course, these thoughts are probably nothing new to the reader, but I just had to get that off my chest. And for those wanting more guidance on greening your food shopping, check out this handy guide to greening your meals.

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